Have repetitive task for your business softwares ?
Want to increase efficiency and time for these repetitive task and reduce the cost ?
Here is the solution for all the repetitive task.
What is RPA?
Robotics Process Automation comes into scene when large, small ultimately aim to become the most efficient with the best way to provide service quality and upon this without compromising existing process.Robotic Process Automation software executes the repetitive routine transactions and data driven decisions.
As a software, Robotic Process Automation mimics and automates business processes and tasks exactly as if they are being carried out by humans – at the same time removing the scope for human error.
In other way RPA can be said as like if we train a software robot to do a new iterative or repetitive task without changing the system.It simulates human work of logging into applications, entering tonnes of data, sending emails and doing other repetitive tasks. Serving as a faster and reoriented workforce, RPA can be built around repetitive computer-based tasks, decision-based tasks or tasks that require accessing more than one system to complete a process and conduct information search.
Why do we need RPA?
Think of an instance where a robot is sitting in front of a computer observing the task being performed by you, it observes trains itself to conduct the same task without any manual intervention from you. Unlike this situation, RPA doesn’t entail any form of physical robot. It purely mimics a human work by interacting with applications in the similar way that a human being would. It also allows interpreting existing application, activating responses, controlling data, and communicating with other digital systems. RPA Solutions can be enhanced with machine learning and Artificial Intelligence.
So how can we combine the synergies of Odoo and RPA?
A mix of RPA with ERP systems like Odoo which already act as an automated process software, makes the business processes more fast, easier, time efficient and best quality.
Since RPA is platform agnostic and it operates at the user interface level so, it can do anything that a trained software user can do.Basically, RPA combined with Odoo can drastically help remove the barriers to an ERP solution and unleash the real power of Odoo.It can easily automate all repetitive tasks carried out your employees on Odoo- like matching invoice numbers in your email and your Odoo application.
See Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in action with this end-to-end invoice automated workflow powered by UiPath. Watch the robot performing the following actions: - monitoring and reading invoices in a PDF format, - extracting key information, - opening and filling in invoice details in SAP, - sending email notifications, as well as other background activities.
How does it works?
Instead of manually processing each invoice, we used uiPath RPA invoice automation to the following process which could drastically help you reduce repetitive tasks and also save your time.
1. This intelligent software first logs into your email and then reads all your unread emails
2. After this it downloads all the attachments in the email which has the word ‘invoice’ in it
3. It then logs into Odoo and reads and extracts the Purchase order number and the total amount from the attachment
4. It will then search for purchase order number and match it to the total number
5. Once that verification has been made, the invoice will be processed
6. And the software will send a confirmation email
7. If the invoice doesn’t match, it’ll still wend you an email stating that the invoice cannot be processed due to a mismatch
8. This loop continues till all the system reads all the attachments
When you execute this entire flow, you will be able to see how fast this process can be conducted and how the system uses its intelligence and this entire process gets automated.
The software matches the PO numbers for all the attachments in your email to check for matches and process the invoice so they can be in ready for you in your inbox. Even if the invoice does not match so it will send an email with the information about the mismatch.
Here’s how we can help you maximize Odoo’s potential with RPA
This application of RPA is not just limited to one business unit, it can be applied to multiple repetitive tasks across business departments like marketing, HR, IT, So this is how RPA can help you reduce manual labour and also save your time.
As an increased number of decision-makers believe that RPA will lead to more productive and efficient working environments, we at Palmate are helping businesses to lead this change. With a strong team of developers who can drive this change seamlessly, we can help you understand how RPA can transform your business.
Reach out to us and book a free consultation session now.